創立10周年のご挨拶 / Greetings on the 10th Anniversary

創立10周年のご挨拶 / Greetings on the 10th Anniversary

読了時間: 約 8 分

# English follows Japanese










代表取締役 河野道成

Thanks to your unwavering support and kindness, Neoma Design Co., Ltd. has celebrated its 10th anniversary at the end of May 2024. As we step into our 11th year this June, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your continued support and goodwill.

Since our founding in 2014, although expanding our business and company has been challenging, Neoma Design has made steady progress by staying true to our vision. While our company may be small, I take great pride in the collaborations and partnerships we have forged over the past decade. Together with esteemed experts, partner companies, and our dedicated clients, we have made steady progress, step by step.

Our journey has spanned various industries, starting with home appliances and IT, and expanding into automotive, architecture, spatial design, healthcare, fitness clubs, and theme park attractions, focusing on creating valuable experiences. We have had the privilege of supporting and developing next-generation products for numerous companies in UIUX and interaction design, and these experiences have brought me immense excitement and fulfillment.

Last year, we set forth three objectives: 1) Promoting spatial and experiential design, 2) Implementing education and nurturing the next generation, and 3) Visualizing our own planned services. Currently, we are making strides with initiatives 1 and 2, and we are also progressing with initiative 3 by developing in-house services based on long-standing concepts. Although we are still in the early stages, we are determined to bring these visions to life.

Once again, I would like to reiterate our company’s vision:

“By connecting time and space with a human-centered approach, we aim to create new experiences, contributing to the realization of a rich, dream-filled future and society.”

Guided by this vision, we will continue to strive for excellence, never forgetting our initial aspirations, and aim to be a company that delivers unprecedented experiences. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and cooperation.



Neoma Design / CEO Michinari Kohno

Michinari Kohno

Neoma Design CEO, New Business Coordinator, Beyond UX Creator, UI/UX Designer